
Abdalla, Eddie KB-26

Surgeon Preference Card List  

Pre-Op:  Thoracic epidurals for Whipples and likely other OPEN abdominal cases. Of note, he has his own lovenox (post-op)Protocol. DO place ART LINE. (CVP only for select aortocaval). No epidural or CVP requested for robotic cases. 

Anesthesia: Minimal fluids, (consider CVP for strict monitoring)  Use 5% albumin. Neosynephrine, NTG gtt. Goal is to keep pt very dry to minimize bleeding. After specimen out, give lots of volume (consider albumin for closure issues, wound dehiscence, and LOS). He would really prefer not to transfuse patients but if clinically indicated in the face of hemorrhage. Discuss with Abdallah.  

ABG should be sent after induction and each hour thereafter.

Post-Op: ABG in PACU prior to discontuination of A line.  Dr. Abdulla will specify this in his PACU order set, but you can also give this info in report to PACU RN.