
Gouldman, John KB-158

Surgeon Preference Card List  

Pre-Op:  Thoracic epidural only for open thoracotomy cases. They will write an order if they want one. They will do a local intercostal infiltration. Art line only for patients with high cardiopulmonary risk, or frequent lab draws, or planned ICU stay (esophagogastrectomy). Bronchoscopy/EBUS: large ETT 8.5, Total IV Anesthetic ( Ivor Lewis: art line, thoracic epidural, 2 Large PIV’s, DLT

Anesthesia:  Art line only for patients with high cardiopulmonary risk, or frequent lab draws, or planned ICU stay (esophagogastrectomy). Bronchoscopy/EBUS: large ETT 8.5, Total IV Anesthetic

Post-Op:  post op epidual infusion