
How to Create an Article KB-217

NAC App Help - Admin Only  

How to Create and Article

Overview and Video

Admin and Managers can create new articles.

Who Can Perform This

  • Administrators
  • Managers

Basic Steps


  1. Login as Administrator or Manager
  2. See Admin Dashboard
  3. In Left Nav, click "New Article"
  4. Select Category  (Create a new Category 1st if necessary)
  5. Optinally, setup Tags, Publish Dates and Draft Status
  6. Type in the Content
  7. Save Article

Publishing an Article

An article by default will become immediatly available on the Portal.  However, from time to time, you wish to hide an article.  There are two options

  • Keep as Draft checkbox
  • Publish Start and Publish End date range.

Keep as Draft

The article will be marked as "Draft" and thus hidden from the Portal.  Note:  You will have to set this every time you save.

Publish Start and Publish End

The article (if not marked as Draft) will show between the Publish date ranges.  The dates default to "Publish Start = Today" and "Publish End " = Today + 5 Years.


Adding a Hyperlink

Adding a hyperlink is documented in this video

Adding an Image (and Video)

Articles that have an image must 1st get the image loaded onto the Portal.  Since images are stored "per article", you must 1st create the article. Use the following steps or watch this video

  1. Collect your Images locally, say your C:\Drive
  2. Create your article such that you get the Attachment and Upload menu items on the Article page.
  3. Upload your Images
  4. For each image, copy the URL into your clipboard
  5. Back to the Article Content body.  Position your cursor to the insert location and use the Image Icon to insert the image



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